Fundación Futuro

Public Schools in Puerto Rico Fail to Provide Required Vocational Evaluations for Special Needs Students

More than 90% of Special Education students in Puerto Rico are not receiving vocational evaluations, despite a law requiring them for over a decade.

In Puerto Rico, a significant issue persists within the public education system: the failure to provide vocational evaluations for students with special needs. Law 263 of 2006 mandates that students with functional diversity receive a preliminary vocational evaluation by age 12 and a final evaluation before age 15. These assessments are crucial for preparing students for the workforce and ensuring their successful transition into employment.

Despite the existence of this law for 13 years, many students with special needs have not received the required evaluations. This gap in services has led to insufficient preparation for the workforce, leaving many students without the necessary skills and support needed for employment.

The Department of Education has acknowledged the problem, citing challenges such as a lack of trained professionals and resources. Efforts to address these issues have included exploring options to outsource vocational evaluation services and seeking additional training for staff. However, progress has been slow, and the Department has faced criticism for not meeting the law’s requirements.

Clinical psychologists and experts in vocational rehabilitation warn that inadequate vocational evaluations can lead to significant long-term consequences. Without proper assessments, students may lack the necessary structure and goals after graduation, potentially leading to psychological issues and difficulties in finding suitable employment.

The Department of Education has proposed amending Law 263 to delay evaluations until age 16, arguing that this change could help address resource constraints. However, experts emphasize that early evaluations are critical for effective career development and ensuring that students are well-prepared by the time they graduate.

There is an urgent need for a comprehensive approach to vocational evaluations to ensure that students with functional diversity receive the support they need. Timely and effective evaluations are essential for successful integration into the workforce and for promoting the overall well-being of these students.

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